The Beginning, The Organisers, The Bands, & The People,
Things I Remmember, To The End
![]() Fund Raising for early larks gigs at Lark Lane Police Station
Another Fund Raiser at the Old Police Station 'Bop Til Ya Drop' Logo by Steve Hardstaff |
The Bop Til Ya Drop gigs proved very successful until I was asked to pull the gig by the police after 200 or so mods raced up and down Lark Lane on their scooters terrifying the local residents after invading the stage in support of their favourite band Zeebra
swinging their crash helmets to the beat.
Unfortunately no posters remain of the Zeebra gig as the mods ripped them down after the gig.
I was not allowed to promote anymore at that time so teaming up with the Larks Gang came at the right time.
The Committee of 1982 - 1984 consisted of Ann Borthwick, Martin Cooper, Garry Gannicliffe, Selwyn Hyams, Darrell Jay, Derek Murray, Alex Bennett, AL Peters, Roger Hill, Phil Ross. The organisers worked on a purely voluntary basis and acted completely independently of any other organisation. Their sole aim was to provide free live music in Sefton Park.
"The 1979 Larks in the Park was instigated by Derek Murray & Terry Canning with some help from Selwyn Hyams ( I always remember Selwyn as the 'generator man' - a man not afraid to get his hands dirty always sortin stuff out and like the rest of the committee had an over-riding love of music and the local Lark Lane Community - AL). They did "guerilla"gigs, playing on the level with a generator in a van for the pa setups in Princes Park on 4 consecutive Sundays. It wasn't quite right so they decided to get more people involved (Terry dropped out) which is when Martin Cooper and I were asked to help. Ann Borthwick was there in those days too but as she worked for Derek it was only in a clerical capacity. In 1981 Derek all but
dropped out and Ann & I became the main artiste liaison people with the
others doing more behind-the-scenes admin stuff. Derek was the BBC liaison
guy too but by 1982 he was really just a figurehead". Garry
"I know you were the link to
PSL (Professional Sound & Light) people and connected us to bands in
your zone and Alex Bennett was helpful keeping the local community of Liverpool 8
onside. Martin hosted a couple of parties
(at The Armadillo Tea Rooms, Mathew St) and did
some networking and scouting but by 1983 or 4 he wasn't involved at all".
Garry Gannicliffe
A Collectors Item?
AL, Pete Coleman & Damien The only photo of myself & Pete together? |
Over the years important help was also provided by: Phil Ross (promotion & continuity), Roger Hill (promotion & continuity),
John Stoddart (photography), Tony Rosenthal
(transportation), Jane Meakin (bucketeering), Laura O'halligan (design &
stage set) BBC Radio Merseyside, BBC 2 Television, Lark Lane Traders, James Laver Printing, Entec, Geoff White, Armadillo Tea Rooms, Phil Easton, Janice Long, Con McConville, Rachel Purnell, Chris Ball, Tony Rosenthal, Liverpool Daily Post & Echo, Phil Keyes, Adrian Kai, Tim Abberely, Peter Addison, Gary & Pam Cuff, Deborah Scaffolding, Liverpool City Council (Recreation & Open Spaces Dept), Geoff Edwards, Merseyside Arts, Tiger Murphy, Alison Neville, Colin Pennington, Paula Gannicliffe, Pheonix Fireplaces, Square One Studios, Amazon Studios, TAVR (Edge Lane), Sue Place, Ches Poser, Chris Martin, Inner City Partnership, C Tarleton Hodgson, Stewart Thompson Plant Hire, Barbara Stewart, Colour Ads, Geoff Edwards, Peter Addison etc...
Thanks must go to the thousands of people in the audience who gave so generously when we went around with the buckets and without their support it would not have been possible to put on this annual event.
Some estimates gave around 15,000 to 20,000 in
attendance over the three days when the weather was good! |
"I did a flyer when I nearly did another in 2000.
The flyer text was: Local bands played mostly in out-of-town pubs or did occasional one-offs in nightclubs.
The famous exception was Eric's
on Mathew Street, but there was clearly no established venue for local
It wasn't easy but the idea was very popular so for
1980 a new team was drafted in and the format changed to a three day
But ultimately it was Larks in the Park which was most
worthwhile and through these experiences certain principles were
established: PS
"The last one was really just Ann & I and that's why it ended. years later. But I have got
loads of Larks pics, one day I'll scan some of them". Thanks again for the info it is a good reference point but you know that I will be approachin the Larks page from my perspective
(as with Roger Eagle, The Everyman etc) from the
time that I was brought on board as group contact
Also due to the fact that I had promoted successful
'Bop til you Drop' gigs at the old Lark Lane Police Station as a
I have a photo of me and Janice Long doin the 'hand
jive' at one of these gigs.
for use on my site. I always give credit for
Over to you Garry!
Jane Alexander & Garry at Square One Studios
Do you have any photos of Frankie's 'Hollywood Bondage Girls' workin with The Lawnmower
as depicted in your Larks Magazine?
Glass House Blues I've spent many a pleasant hour with wives, friends and children wanderin around this splendid Victorian Palm House in Sefton Park durin the !970's and1980's. After it had been ravaged by storms, vandals and council neglect I was asked to support 'The Friends of' and so did a series of gigs to raise funds and awareness of the plight of this wonderful conservatory. Unfortunately after it had been fully refurbished my services were no longer required and to this day I have not performed in the said building. It's that same old story similar in detail to bein a member of the original Steerin Committee prior to the formation of LIPA. C'est Le Vie say the old folks goes to show you never can tell? Is it no wonder I remained a Blues Singer!
Any More Info or Photos Please send to